Outdoor Gear+

T and T is a Ranch King and Boss Buck Authorized Sales Rep. We can help with a purchase, service, and repair of any feeder brand and can deliver to your door step or final feeding location.

Our aim is to be exceptional at what we do.

T and T Offroad Electric is your authorized HuntVe dealer for Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Louisiana. If you are located in any of these states and interested in purchasing a HuntVe Electric or Hybrid UTV, you can contact Joe Moseley at (205) 712-3022. Joe is an experienced HuntVe sales representative who can provide you with all the information you need and assist you in making the right choice. Even if you are located outside our area, you can still reach out to Joe, as he has the knowledge and connections to direct you to the appropriate person. Don't hesitate to give him a call and get one step closer to owning your very own high-quality HuntVe electric UTV!

HuntVe Dealer Alabama HuntVe Dealer Mississippi HuntVe Dealer Tennessee HuntVe Dealer Louisiana

If you are in search of a reliable and silent mode of transportation for your outdoor adventures, look no further than the HuntVe 4X4 electric UTVs. With their cutting-edge technology, dual direct drive motors, and commitment to sustainability, these vehicles offer a superior driving experience. Say goodbye to noisy and inefficient single motor UTVs and embrace the power and silence of a HuntVe. Get ready for an adventure like no other with HuntVe 4X4 products.

About HuntVe

The concept of the HuntVe was born in 2006 from the need for a quality manufactured electric 4x4 off road UTV. Started in Fort Worth Texas, our experienced electric vehicle team combined management and engineering expertise to introduce the HuntVe line of vehicles.
Today HuntVe believes that innovation and a focus on quality will sustain our place in the market place.Product value for customer sets HuntVe apart from competitors and is more important to us than volume sales. American made HuntVes will always lead in customer service, technology innovation, and prove the grass is always greener on our side of the fence.